Love One Another
Reaching In
Loving one another is more than a slogan with a nice feel to it here at CrossWay. Let’s be honest. We all know that loving one another is sometimes difficult, and yet it can be the most promising and fruitful commitment to which God calls us. It’s relatively easy to say “I love God”. But if we have truly received the love of God, we will also be led and empowered by God to love one another. As the Scripture says, “We love because he first loved us.” (I John 4:19). God then goes on to say, “If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (I John 4:20).
What are the implications of these verses? One writer put it this way, “love is the overflow of our joy in God which gladly meets the needs of others.” (John Piper). In short, if we have been captivated by the love of God, His love for us and in us then spills out through us to those around us. No, it’s not always easy, but if we claim to have been loved by God and to love God, we must love those around us, both Christian and non-Christian alike. It is our glad calling and commitment to do just that!
Below are just some of the ways that we at CrossWay Community try to “reach in” to love our fellow Christ-followers.
We are an active church community, and our activities vary throughout the year. Our Sunday bulletin often lists several of these opportunities each week. Please call or email for information on some of these other gatherings and events.
Small Groups
Christian Education
We are told by Jesus to “Love the Lord your God with all your . . . mind.” (Matt.22:37). In another Scripture the Apostle Paul tells us to “be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” (Rom.12:2). Learning to think biblically is therefore incredibly important in our growth as disciples of Jesus. At CrossWay, in addition to Bible-based preaching, CE is key to how we apply our second core commitment of Loving One Another, or “Reaching In”.
We have classes for K-12 and Adult Education classes that help us grow in the life of the mind, dedicating our thinking to God’s glory. Most of our classes take place on Sunday morning, though other CE opportunities, such as our yearly “Wednesday Night Lent Light” supper and teaching series, are offered on days other than Sundays. Call, email, or check this website for special opportunities and classes.