“Did God Really Say?” by Pastor Bob Manuel
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21
“Prayer, Repentance, and the Healing of the Nations” by Pastor Bob Manuel
2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 139:13-16
“End-Times Motivation (End Times, Rapture, Tribulation, Daniel, Revelation)” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Matthew 24:30-31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7
“Tell Me a Story (Listening to the Parables)” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Matthew 13:1-11, 34-35; Luke chapter 15
“Judgment and Hope” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Isaiah chapter 66
“Wages and Gifts” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Isaiah chapter 65
“Baptism: To Whom Do I Belong?” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Acts 2:38-47
“Baptizing Them” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Matthew 28:19
“Praying for Revival” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Isaiah chapters 63:15-64:12
“Praying for a New World” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Isaiah chapters 62:8-63:14
“Primer on Discipleship” by Michael Stevens
“From Desolation to Delight” by Pastor Bob Manuel
Isaiah chapter 61-62:7